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4T-Pedestrian Safety

4T-Pedestrian Safety


4T-Pedestrian Safety

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This course discusses the issue of pedestrian safety as it relates to traffic studies and plan design. A background of the pedestrian safety problem is discussed. An understanding of pedestrian characteristics and transportation design and policy elements that impact pedestrian safety are covered. Design for pedestrian safety is discussed as it relates to street design, street connectivity, site design, land use and access management. Methods to improve pedestrian safety are provided.
Collection data to identify pedestrian safety problems is outlined as it relates to types of safety projects and the information necessary to identify and quantify pedestrian safety deficiencies.

Description:- This course discusses the issue of pedestrian safety as it relates to traffic studies and plan design. A background of the pedestrian safety problem is discussed. An understanding of pedestrian characteristics and transportation design and policy elements that impact pedestrian safety are covered. Design for pedestrian safety is discussed as it relates to street design, street connectivity, site design, land use and access management. Methods to improve pedestrian safety are provided.
Collection data to identify pedestrian safety problems is outlined as it relates to types of safety projects and the information necessary to identify and quantify pedestrian safety deficiencies.
Analyzing the information and prioritizing the concerns is an important issue. Identifying high crash locations, corridors, targeted areas and jurisdiction is key to determining possible solutions. Crash typing is covered in order to select appropriate solutions. A ranking system is then produced to prioritize the solutions for implementation. Safety solutions must take into account design specifications and guidelines. Engineering, enforcement and educational solutions can all be used in policy and planning solutions. After implementation, these solution should be monitored to make sure they have a positive effect.

Course Outline:- The Pedestrian Safety course discusses the issue of pedestrian safety as it relates to traffic studies and plan design. In 2018, 5,376 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes, representing 14 percent of all roadway-related fatalities. Many pedestrian crashes are the result of unsafe motor vehicle driver and pedestrian behaviors. Certain roadway design features can contribute to unsafe behaviors by pedestrians and motorists. Good pedestrian safety planning must include an understanding of the characteristics of pedestrians. The major planning, design and policy elements that impact pedestrian safety include street design, street connectivity, site design, land use and access management.
It is important to know where pedestrian safety deficiencies exist, how extensive the safety problems are and what new projects, programs and policies can provide the biggest safety benefit, including those related to engineering, education and enforcement. This data collection must occur before an action plan can be formulated.
Improving pedestrian safety in a community or region is typically the result of implementing different safety treatments and changing agency design policies. Projects involving pedestrian countermeasures can be subdivided into spot locations, corridors, target areas, and jurisdictions.
Jurisdictions should ensure that all of their policies, plans and engineering design guidelines include considerations for pedestrian safety. The crash data should be analyzed so that the pedestrian improvement projects can be prioritized and selected for safety solutions. Pedestrian safety should be monitored in the areas where countermeasures were implemented to ensure that the improvements have positive results. The course is designed to provide a basic knowledge of pedestrian safety from which an engineer can use this information in traffic studies and plan design.

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Objetivos de aprendizaje


  • Pedestrian safety problem background derived from traffic studies
  • Understanding pedestrian characteristics as it relates to site design and methods to improve pedestrian safety
  • Transportation design and policy elements impacting pedestrian safety
  • Methods to improve pedestrian safety developed from studying countermeasure improvements and treatments
  • Analyzing information and prioritizing concerns as it relates to a ranking system of high crash locations
  • Selecting safety solutions that can involve any of all of the “E’s” – engineering, enforcement, and education
  • Implementing safety solutions in an efficient manner
  • Monitoring safety solutions for further analysis

Horas de Contacto4 Horas
Instructor Debra Kennaugh, P.E.
DispositivosDesktop, Tablet, Mobile
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